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The Together Project

In the increasingly multi-cultural European environment of the 21rst century where more and more individuals have to manage their own multiple cultural affiliations, some people still view cultural diversity as a constraint to human and economic progress or a threat to national stability. Europe’s rich cultural heritage have the potential to promote common values, inclusion and intercultural dialogue within Europe and beyond, creating a sense of belonging, being an antidote to any confrontation society is facing nowadays.

The project TOGETHER – TOwards a cultural understandinG of thE oTHER derives from the need to create and disseminate know-how regarding the intercultural dialogue among EU countries and countries outside the European territory, based on the common values cultural heritage represents in order to really empower all sectors of society to build bridges between people, reinforce mutual understanding, boost economic and social development and enable Europe and its neighbors to face common challenges as a whole context for social cohesion and sustainability.

The TOGETHER project is a 24-months Erasmus + project involving 6 partners (CulturePolis, EWORX, IED, FPD , GACC, LDN) from 5 different countries (Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Georgia, Lebanon). 

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